One mark of a reputable seller is preparing his or her merchandise properly before putting them up for sale. This applies to any piece of merchandise or product; and when talking about something as valuable and expensive as diamond jewelry, this becomes more crucial. Selling diamond jewelry has become very easy today. There are lots of jewelers around who are willing to take in both new and timeworn diamond jewelries for some good cash. However, a seller needs to ensure a few things before deciding to sell diamonds. For one, a seller needs to ensure that s/he understand just how much his or her diamonds are worth. Secondly, s/he also needs to make sure that his or her diamonds are prepared well for the appraisal. While jewelers will usually just look at the authenticity of the diamond and the overall craftsmanship of the piece, clean and well-kept diamond jewelry can give the seller an advantage since it saves the jeweler time and cost in having it cleaned and made up before resale. So to help you prepare you gems before you take them to the jeweler, here are some cleaning tips to keep in mind:
A regular glass cleaner does the trick – Although a diamond sure does have a more complex and refined make up than glass, its surface nonetheless have a similar quality. This is the reason why dirt and smudges on glass will look similar on a diamond. Hence, a glass cleaner will come in handy whenever your diamond jewelry needs some polishing. This of course becomes very useful before you sell diamonds.
Use a soft-bristled brush – A soft bristle brush is a popular option for cleaning diamond jewelry as it is able to go through hard-to-reach corners. Aside from losing the luster of the gem, dust can also get to corners and small holes that will be difficult to clean using a damp cloth. A soft-bristles brush will do just enough to have all corners cleaned and bring back the sparkle of your timeworn diamond jewelry.
Water, a bit of soap and window cleaner make a very useful mixture – Dusting and cleaning smudges off your diamond jewelry will not be enough. You need to make sure it retains its sparkle for a long time after you make sure the dusts and smudges are gone. In a small bowl, pour in warm soapy water. Make sure the amount is sufficient to soak in your diamond jewelries. After about 5-7 minutes, transfer your jewelries to a bowl with window cleaner solution. This does not have to take as long as the first one. After a few moments, rinse your jewelries and use a soft cloth to dry and wipe away any remaining residues. After this procedure, your jewelry will surely regain its lost sparkles back as if they were brand new.
You may also have your jewelries cleaned through an ultrasonic cleaner – You have probably heard this from a friend. An ultrasonic jewelry cleaner is a hands-off way to polish your diamond jewelries. This is a good option if you want to ensure through cleaning without having to get your hands dirty. This becomes especially useful when you need to have your jewelries cleaned fast before selling them.
All owners of diamond jewelry must always keep their items clean. This however, becomes more important once they decide to sell diamonds. Be sure to get that added advantage when you go to the jeweler by keeping these tips in mind before you sell your diamond jewelry.