If you have absolutely no idea what vintage engagement rings are - Luriya has come up with a great article about estate jewelry and briefly touched on vintage jewelry as jewelry that is at least 20 years old.

Topics: Selling Diamonds, Estate Jewelry, Diamonds, Buying Jewelry, diamond ring, Sell Diamond Ring, sell diamonds nyc, sell diamond, sell diamonds
Social Schmocial! Check out Luriya's new and improved social media channels!
BY : Andro Yuson
December 19, 2018
Luriya's socials are better than ever! You can now follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn and expect the same quality service in real time. We. Are. Not. Kidding.
Chat, mention, and shout us out anytime!
Check us out here:
Facebook: https://bit.ly/2rUplQx
Twitter: https://bit.ly/2GvwZL0
Instagram: https://bit.ly/2CmTdL4
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2PPopq6
See y'all there!
Topics: Selling Diamonds, Selling Jewelry, Selling Gold, Sell Diamond Ring, Sell Gold, selling watches, NYC, sell jewelry, Sell Watches
Nowadays, as the economy continues to be erratic and inconsistent, people have learned to come up with alternative sources of income in case rainy days come splashing. Today, more and more people are learning how to sell things they do not use anymore. The emergence of easy-to-use e-commerce websites and mobile applications have fueled the resurgence of reselling pre-loved goods - thus allowing more people to sell some of their treasured trinkets for an easy buck. While it is easier for some people to sell secondhand items, some can actually go as far as selling expensive and sentimentally treasured items like diamond jewelry.
Topics: Sell Diamond Ring
Diamond Trade 101: How to Clean Your Diamond Jewelries Before Selling Them
BY : Andro Yuson
December 03, 2018
One mark of a reputable seller is preparing his or her merchandise properly before putting them up for sale. This applies to any piece of merchandise or product; and when talking about something as valuable and expensive as diamond jewelry, this becomes more crucial. Selling diamond jewelry has become very easy today. There are lots of jewelers around who are willing to take in both new and timeworn diamond jewelries for some good cash. However, a seller needs to ensure a few things before deciding to sell diamonds. For one, a seller needs to ensure that s/he understand just how much his or her diamonds are worth. Secondly, s/he also needs to make sure that his or her diamonds are prepared well for the appraisal. While jewelers will usually just look at the authenticity of the diamond and the overall craftsmanship of the piece, clean and well-kept diamond jewelry can give the seller an advantage since it saves the jeweler time and cost in having it cleaned and made up before resale. So to help you prepare you gems before you take them to the jeweler, here are some cleaning tips to keep in mind:
Topics: Sell Diamond Ring
Wedding Bands 101: Navigating the World of Wedding Rings for Men
BY : Marnie Rubenstein
August 20, 2018
Getting married? Now that she’s said yes to her wedding ring, it’s time for you to say yes to yours. When it comes to men’s wedding rings, the options can seem endless. Gone are the days of simple yellow gold bands – nowadays, there are a variety of metals, materials, and designs that a man can choose for his wedding ring. We’ve developed this comprehensive guide to walk you through the choices that are best for your personal budget and lifestyle.
Topics: Platinum, Jewelry, Buying Jewelry, Sell Diamond Ring, White Gold
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